Theater Amenities & Attendance Policies

The Box Office and Front of House Staff of Victory Gardens want to make your visit to the Biograph the best it can be.


COVID-19 Health and Safety Information

The health and well-being of everyone who enters the Biograph Theater is our first priority. Victory Gardens is staying up-to-date on all city and state guidelines for reopening, and we have made numerous improvements to our facilities and procedures. These include upgraded HVAC filters with increased fresh air flow throughout the building, full sanitization of the theater between every performance, and switching to e-tickets and digital programs to allow for touchless Will Call.


Covid-19 Attendance Requirements
To protect the health of all who visit the Biograph Theater, the following attendance policies are in place for the 2021/22 Season, which follow state and local guidelines for safe operation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • All audience members must be masked for the duration of their visit. Masks are available onsite if needed.
  • All audience members ages 5-15 must show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination to be admitted to the theater. “Fully vaccinated” means that the performance date must be at least 14 days after receiving the second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine.
  • All audience members ages 16+ must show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination, along with a matching, valid photo ID to be admitted to the theater.
  • Audience members who have a medical or religious vaccine exemption (e.g. from an employer) must contact the Box Office at with this documentation at least 24 hours in advance of their performance to be admitted. In addition, a negative COVID-19 PCR test result from within the last 72 hours and a matching photo ID must be shown at the door prior to entry.
  • Those without this documentation will be rescheduled into another performance.
  • Should you feel ill and need to reschedule your tickets, please contact us at

And remember…there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 at any public gathering. Those visiting Victory Gardens Theater voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Accommodation of Latecomers
Latecomers are seated at the discretion of the house manager, which may be as late as intermission. Latecomers may be denied admission depending on the demands or structure of a particular production, so please be sure to allow enough time to arrive, park and be seated before show time. Should you need to leave the theater during a performance, re-admittance and seating will be at the discretion of the house manager so as not to disturb the audience and performers.

Child Attendance
To ensure an enjoyable experience for all, children under the age of 5 will not be admitted to Victory Gardens productions, unless otherwise advertised. Please read the content advisories on each show page to determine if a particular show is suitable for your child.

Electronic Devices
Please silence all electronic devices including cellular phones, watches and pagers before the performance.

Cameras and Recording Devices are strictly prohibited in the theatre.
Please check these items with the House Manager and turn off your camera phone.

On-Site Emergencies
For an emergency while you are at Victory Gardens please contact the House Manager.

Off-Site Emergencies
If you need to be reached due to an emergency, please leave your phone or pager with the house manager along with your name and seat location, so as not to disturb the other patrons. This will help us to locate you quickly in the case of an emergency. In case of an emergency contact the Box Office at (773) 871-3000.

Food, Beverages and Smoking
Food and beverages are not currently available for sale due to the covid-19 pandemic, and are not allowed into the theater during performances.

Smoking is prohibited in the Biograph.

Venue Info

Začek McVay Theater
Richard Christiansen Theater
The Seigle Lobby
Prince Charitable Trusts Event & Rehearsal Room

Theater Amenities

Coat Check
A coat check is located in the Seigle Lobby next to the elevator.

Food & Drink
Victory Gardens offers a delicious selection of hot and cold drinks and snacks to enjoy before the show. Our concessions bar and lobby open one hour prior to curtain time. Please note, food and drink is not currently allowed in the theater during performances due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lost & Found
Please check with our House Manager during the performance. After a performance if you need to check on an item please call our Lost and Found at (773) 871-3000 and someone will return your call.