Eric Ting
Jackie Sibblies Drury
Tracy N Bonner: Black Woman/Other Sarah
Leah Karpel: Actor 5/Sarah
Bernard Balbot: White Man/Actor 1
Jake Cohen: AnotherWhite Man/Actor 3
Kamal Angelo Bolden: Black Man/Actor 2
Travis Turner: Another Black Man/Actor 4
When a group of actors gathers together to give a presentation on a distant genocide, they realize that summaries based on history books aren’t nearly enough to capture the complexity of human extermination—or human interaction. In We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as South-West Africa, tells the story of what happens when in an effort to dig deeper,the nobly intentioned actors crash into their own simmering fears and unconscious bigotry, coming face to face with the potential for brutality in all of us.
Production Team
Ryan Bourque: Fight Choreographer
Brian Sidney Bembridge: Scenic Designer
Christine Pascual: Costume Designer
Jesse Klug: Lighting Designer
Mike Tutaj: Video Projection Designer
Sarah Picket: Sound Designer
Rita Vreeland: Stage Manager