The Washington Sarajevo Talks*
Nov 24Dec 15, 1997
By Carla Seaquist


Sandy Shinner


Carla Seaquist


Deanna Dunagan (Seaquist)
Raul Esparza (Azinovic)


In The Washington Sarajevo Talks, D.C.-based playwright and civil rights worker Carla Seaquist dramatizes the extraordinary long-distance phone friendship she struck up with Bosnian radio journalist Vlado Azinovic. Refusing to cheapen or adorn the tragedy of Sarajevo with such traditional theatrical components as plot, dramatic conflict, and character development, she simply presents transcripts of her conversations with Azinovic, assuming that his grave situation and their unique relationship will suffice to educate and move her audience. (Source credited:

Production Team

Director: Sandy Shinner
Beth McGeehan: Set Designer
Alexandra Sargent: Costume Designer
Andrew Meyers: Lighting Designer