Susan Nussbaum
Mike Ervin
Robert Ness (Chuck)
Doran Schrantz (Lou)
James Joseph (Cornelius)
Jeffrey Rogers (Barnes)
The History of Bowling follows the comic romance between Chuck, a 30 year old quadriplegic who decides to finally attend college, and Lou, a 22 year old woman who has lived life hiding her epilepsy. Chuck falls for Lou in gym class and is spurred on by his blind and deaf Casanova-ish roommate Cornelius and Barnes, their demonic gym teacher.
Production Team
Susan Nussbaum: Director
Mary Griswold: Set Designer
Frances Maggio: Costume Designer
Lisa Lewandoski: Assistant Costume Designer
Charles Jolls: Lighting Designer
Andre Pluess and Ben Sussman: Sound Designers
Ben Getting: Assistant Sound Designer
Kristin Piszyk: Props