Erasing the Distance
Sep 12Sep 14, 2019

About The Festival

DocFest2019 is Erasing the Distance’s annual documentary theatre festival.This year’s theme is “Media and Mental Health” and features four new story-based theatre pieces using verbatim text collected from interviews. This year’s festival also includes an evening of special events/guest speaker, and a free, two-day methodology workshop. (visit for workshop reservations).

Show Descriptions

Please note: tickets are available for the 6:30pm and 8:30pm performances. Each performance includes two shows; the 6:30 ticket provides admittance to #Triggered and Journalist Project while the 8:30pm ticket provides admittance to #BeautyGoals and Tele-


Our smartphones allow raw, first hand video footage of violence to reach millions of people in mere seconds. This show asks how the constant exposure to filmed violence affects people who live with anxiety and PTSD in their day to day lives.

Journalist Project

This piece explores the way that documenting traumatic experiences as well as navigating the freelance journalist lifestyle plays a role in the mental health of these individuals.


Focusing specifically on women of color and social media driven beauty standards, this show explores how existing conditions for POC women such as depression, anxiety, and body dysmorphia have been affected by these trends.


“Tele-” as a prefix means both “relating to television” and also “far off, over a distance”. This piece explores representation and under representation in media, specifically television and film, and the mental health impact that has on an individual level.

Media and Mental Health, Adapters: Alli Braun, Becca Duff, Dave Belden, Elana Weiner-Kaplow, Chris Khoshaba, Am’Ber Montgomery, and Jennifer Latimore

6:30PM, Thursday, September 12, 2019
Ticket provides admittance to #Triggered and Journalist Project
8:30PM, Thursday, September 12, 2019
Ticket provides admittance to #BeautyGoals and Tele-
6:30PM, Friday, September 13, 2019
Ticket provides admittance to #Triggered and Journalist Project
8:30PM, Friday, September 13, 2019
Ticket provides admittance to #BeautyGoals and Tele-
6:30PM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ticket provides admittance to #Triggered and Journalist Project
8:30PM, Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ticket provides admittance to #BeautyGoals and Tele-